comentários |
Afeganistão | C, D, F | 240 V | 50 Hz | Tensão elétrica pode variar de 160 V to 280 V. |
África do Sul | C, M, IEC 60906-1 | 230 V | 50 Hz | Type C used for some appliances. Adapters are widely available. |
Albânia | C, F, L | 230 V | 50 Hz | Tomadas do tipo F and L são a norma. O tipo L de tomada tipicamente aceita ambos os plugues grande (16A) e pequeno (10A). Ambas tomadas F e L aceitam plugues do tipo C (Europlug). Tensão elétrica foi harmonizada para o padrão da União Europeia de {400; 230} V[3] mas tipicamente fornecida em {380; 220} V. |
Alemanha | C, F | 230 V (formerly 220 V) | 50 Hz | O Tipo F ("Schuko", contração de "Schutzkontakt") é o padrão. Plugues do tipo C são comuns, especialmente para aparelhos de baixa potência. Tomadas do Tipo C são muito raras e existem apenas em instalações muito antigas. |
Arábia Saudita | A, B, F, G | 127 V
220 V | 60 Hz | A Arábia Saudita é um dos poucos países no mundo que ainda usa um sistema de duas tensões elétricas em diferentes partes do país. Em uma tentativa de unificar a baixa tensão no reino, uma decisão foi tomada pelo Concelho de Ministros da Arábia Saudita em agosto de 2010 para padronizar o sistema em 230 V. A decisão tem efeito imediáto para novos consumidores e vai ser implementada nas instalações existentes em duas fases durante 25 anos.[4][5] |
Argélia | C, F | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Andorra | C, F | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Angola | C | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Anguilla | A, B | 110 V | 60 Hz | |
Antígua | A, B | 230 V | 60 Hz | Energia do aeroporto é 110 V. |
Argentina | C, I | 220 V | 50 Hz | Fase e neuro são invertido para a tomada do tipo I em comparação a maioria dos outros países. |
Armênia | C, F | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Aruba | A, B, F | 127 V | 60 Hz | Lago Colony 115 V. |
Austrália | I | 230 V | 50 Hz | Em 2000, a tensão elétrica de fornecimento especificada na AS 60038 é 230 V com a tolerância de +10% -6%.[6] Isto foi feito para harmonização da tensão elétrica - no entanto 240 V está dentro da tolerância e é comummente encontrada. Banheiros em hotéis muitas vezes tem tomadas do tipo I, C e A marcadas como "for shavers only" (apenas para barbeadores/máquinas de barbear). |
Áustria | C, F | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Azerbaijão | C, F | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Açores | C, F | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Bahamas | A, B | 120 V | 60 Hz | junto com 50 Hz em algumas áreas remotas. |
Bahrain | C, G | 230 V | 50 Hz | plugues do tipo C são muito comuns em equipamentos de audio e vídeo. Ligado em uma tomada tipo G usando adaptadores amplamente disponíveis ou forcados para dentro dos furos, o que é amplamente praticado e perigoso. |
Ilhas Baleares | C, F | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Bangladesh | A, C, D, G, K | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Barbados | A, B | 115 V | 50 Hz | |
Bélgica | C, E | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Belize | A, B, G | 110 V
220 V | 60 Hz | |
Benim | C, E | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Bermuda | A, B | 120 V | 60 Hz | |
Bielorrússia | C | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Bolívia | A, C | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Bósnia e Herzegovina | C, F | 230 V | 50 Hz | Harmonizada para o padrão da União Europeia de {400; 230} V[7] |
Botswana | D, G, M | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Brasil | A, B, C, I - antigo C, NBR14136:2002, IEC 60906-1 - novos aparelhos | 127 V
220 V | 60 Hz | O tipo I está se tornando comum para tomadas e aparelhos 220 V em área 127 V. Fiação de duas tensões elétricas é um tanto quanto comum para aparelhos de alta potência, como secatoras de roupas e chuveiros elétricos que tendem a ser 220 V mesmo em áreas 127 V. Dependendo da área, a tensão elétrica exata pode ser 115 V, 127 V, ou 220 V. Tomadas que aceitam os tipos A, B and C estão presentes em muitos lugares. Também note que a partir de 01 jan 2010 o Brasil converteu para o plugue internacional IEC 60906-1 que se parece com o tipo J mas não é compatível. Desde então todos aparelhos e novas construções devem atender o novo padrão. |
Brunei | G | 240 V | 50 Hz | |
Bulgária | C, F | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Burkina Faso | C, E | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Burundi | C, E | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Butão | D, F, G, M | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Cabo Verde | C, F | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Camarões | C, E | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Cambodja | A, C, G | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Canadá | A, B | 120 V | 60 Hz | Prédios menores (como casas) são supridos com {240; 120} V split-phase com 240 V sendo usado para cargas maiores, e 120 V para o resto. Tomadas tipo A são para reparos apenas (casas da década de 1950 e antes que não tem condutor terra), tomadas tipo B são exigidas para novas construções e reformas. Uma tomadas do tipo B de 20 A com fenda T pode ser usada em cozinhas em novas construções.[8] Baixa tensão elétrica trifásica é {208; 120} V e também {600; 347} V em prédios maiores. |
Ilhas Canárias | C, E, F, L | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Ex-Antilhas Holandesas | A, B, C | 127 V
220 V | 50 Hz
60 Hz | Bonaire 127 V, 50 Hz, A tomada é uma cominação de A e C; Saba e St. Eustatius 110 V, 60 Hz, A, talvez B. |
Ilhas Cayman | A, B | 120 V | 60 Hz | |
Cazaquistão | C, E, F | 220 V | 50 Hz | Sem padrão oficial. A tolerância de tensão elétrica é 220 V ±10%. Tensão elétrica de fato pode variar (usualmente 150 a 200 V) por causa do sistema elétrico instável. |
Chade | D, E, F | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Ilhas do Canal | C, G | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Chile | C, L | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
China | A, C, I | 220 V | 50 Hz | A maioria das tomadas suporta simultaneamente os tipos A e I. Algumas tomadas suportam o tipo C também (os furos nas tomadas são chatos no meio e redondos nos lados) de forma que os plugues do tipos A, C ou I (sem terra) podem ser usados. Uma segunda tomada apenas do tipo I (aterrada) fica junto da tomada multi tipo. Tomadas do tipo A apenas encaixam plugues com pinos da mesma largura. Um plugue do tipo A polarizado requer um adaptador. Nota: Não importa o tipo da tomada, a tensão elétrica na China é sempre 220 volts. Veja foto na direita. |
Chipre | G | 240 V | 50 Hz | |
Colômbia | A, B | 120 V | 60 Hz | Condicionadores de ar de alta potência, equipamento de restaurante, fogões e fornos usam fornecimento de 240 volts. Convenções, práticas e padrões de fiação seguem o "Código Eléctrico Colombiano", o qual é similar ao código elétrico dos Estados Unidos (USA National Electric Code). |
Comores | C, E | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Congo | C, E | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Ilhas Cook | I | 240 V | 50 Hz | |
Coreia do Norte | C | 220 V | 60 Hz[9] | |
Coreia do Sul | C, F | 220 V | 60 Hz | Type F is normally found in offices, airports, hotels and homes. Type C (type CEE 7/17) sockets are obsolete and manufacture was discontinued as of 2008, but examples are still found in a lot of places. In cases where a Type C socket was replaced with a Type F, the ground contact is often not connected to anything. 220 volt power is distributed by using both "live" poles of a 110 volt system (neutral is not used). 110 V/60 Hz power with plugs A & B were previously used but has already been phased out. Some residents install their own step-down transformers and dedicated circuits, so that they can use 110 V appliances imported from Japan or North America. Most hotels only have 220 V outlets, but some hotels offer both 110 V (Type A or B) and 220 V (Type C or F) outlets. Switches and outlets fit American-sized boxes. |
Costa do Marfim (Costa do Marfim) | C, E | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Costa Rica | A, B | 120 V | 60 Hz | |
Croácia | C, F | 230 V | 50 Hz | Type F wall sockets countrywide standard. Type C wall sockets are very uncommon, and exist only in very old installations. |
Cuba | A, B | 110 V | 60 Hz | |
Curaçao | A, B, C | 127 V | 50 Hz | |
Dinamarca | C, E, F, K | 230 V (formerly 220 V) | 50 Hz | Type E was added from July 2008.[10] Type F was added from November 2011.[11] Type C wall sockets are prohibited in houses build after April 1975.[12]All new sockets must be childproff.[13] 400V three-phase power is very common; The plugs/sockets used are eitherIEC 60309-2, or the Danish IP20- mostly know as "komfurstik" or "380V-stik". |
Djibouti | C, E | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Dominica | D, G | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Egito | C | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
El Salvador | A, B | 115 V | 60 Hz | |
Emirados Árabes Unidos | C, D, G | 220 V | 50 Hz | 99% type G (same as UK) Others for Cookers |
Equador | A, B | 120 V | 60 Hz | |
Eslováquia | C, E | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Eslovénia | C, F | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Espanha | C, F | 230 V (formerly 220 V) | 50 Hz | |
Estados Unidos | A, B | 120 V | 60 Hz | Standardized at 120 V. Electricity suppliers aim to keep most customers supplied between 114 and 126 V most of the time. 240 V/60 Hz used for large appliances. Large residential buildings frequently have 120/208V 3-phase power, with large appliances being connected between two of the phases, giving a voltage of 208 volts. Since 1962, Type B outlets are required by code in new construction and renovation. A T-slot Type B is rated for 20 amperes for use in kitchens or other areas using large 120 V appliances. |
Eritreia | C | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Estônia | C, F | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Etiópia | C, E, F, L | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Faixa de Gaza | C, H | 230 V | 50 Hz | (see Israel in this list) |
Ilhas Faroe | C, E, F, K | 220 V | 50 Hz | See Denmark. |
Ilhas Falkland | G | 240 V | 50 Hz | |
Fiji | I | 240 V | 50 Hz | |
Filipinas | A, B, C | 220 V | 60 Hz[14] | Most plugs and outlets are Type A, but some are C. Type B are commonly found in high powered appliances and computers. Some buildings have sockets that accepts Types A, B and C. Sockets and switches are built to USA dimensions and fit USA sized wall boxes. |
Finlândia | C, F | 230 V (formerly 220 V) | 50 Hz | |
França | C, E | 230 V (formerly 220 V) | 50 Hz | Type C wall sockets have been prohibited in new installations for more than 10 years. |
Gabão | C | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Gâmbia | G | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Geórgia | C | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Gana | D, G | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Gibraltar | G, K | 240 V | 50 Hz | Type K was used in the Europort development by the Danish builders. Otherwise the United Kingdom fittings are used. |
Granada | G | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Grécia | C, F, (older)"Tripoliko" similar to type J and post-1989 type H | 230 V (formerly 220 V) | 50 Hz | Type F ("Schuko", em grego:Σούκο) is the de-facto standard for new installations' sockets. Type C sockets exist only in old installations. Light appliances use type C plug while more electricity-consuming ones use type E&F or F plugs. Corfu still only uses C 220 V at 50 Hz. |
Gronelândia | C, E, F, K | 220 V | 50 Hz | See Denmark. |
Guadeloupe | C, D, E | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Guam | A, B | 110 V | 60 Hz | |
Guatemala | A, B | 120 V | 60 Hz | |
Guiné | C, F, K | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Guiné-Bissau | C | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Guiné Equatorial | C, E | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Guiana | A, B, D, G | 240 V | 60 Hz | Mixture of 50 Hz and 60 Hz distribution according to Guyana Power and Light[15] Conversion of 50 Hz distribution to 60 Hz is ongoing[16] |
Guiana Francesa | C, D, E | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Haiti | A, B | 110 V | 60 Hz | |
Honduras | A, B | 110 V | 60 Hz | |
Hong Kong | G is used in almost all products, while M is (rarely) used when required current rating is between 13~15A. D is now obsolete in Hong Kong. | 220 V | 50 Hz | Largely based on UK system. Occasionally, a 'shaver' socket (similar to Type C) is found in some bathrooms that provides low current to some other plug types. These almost always have a 110 V socket and a 220 V socket in the same unit, or a switch to select voltage, which are sometimes labelled as 110 V and 220 V. This duo installation is not as common in HK as in the UK. There was a smaller 2 A version of type D, now obsolete. |
Hungria | C, F | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Iémen | A, D, G | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Ilha de Man | G | 240 V | 50 Hz | |
Ilhas Virgens | A, B | 110 V | 60 Hz | |
Índia | C, D, M | 230 V | 50 Hz | Residential power supplied in India is two wire 240 volts, permitted variation 6%, and maximum load 40 amperes. Frequency 50 Hz. Many power outlets are universal and accept many plugs without adapter. A combination receptacle for types C, D and M is usually present. |
Indonésia | C, F, G | 220 V | 50 Hz | Type G socket/plug is not common. |
Irã | C, F | 220 V | 50 Hz | Type C wall sockets are less common, and exist only in older installations. Type F is used for new installations. Type C Plugs are common for low-power devices. |
Iraque | C, D, G | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Irlanda | G (obsolete or specialist installations may be D and M (as in the UK) or F) | 230 V (formerly 220 V) | 50 Hz | G Sockets and plugs standard as defined by NSAI I.S. 401 (Plug) I.S. 411 (Socket outlet). Type F ("Side Earth") plugs occasionally seen in old installations probably because much of the early Irish electrical network was heavily influenced by Siemens. ' A 'shaver' socket (similar to Type C) is sometimes found in bathrooms that will provide low current to some other plug types. These almost always have a 110 V socket and a 230 V socket in the same unit, or a switch to select voltage, which are sometimes labelled as 115 V and 230 V. The G type socket often has a on-off switch on the socket. 110 V centre point earthed transformers are often used for industrial portable tools. Type M plugs are permitted for applications where the power draw does not exceed 5 Amps; this power limitation allows type M sockets to be powered from domestic 10 Amp circuits and to be controlled by domestic lighting switches. |
Islândia | C, F | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Israel | C, H, M | 230 V | 50 Hz | The standard for H plugs and sockets was recently modified to use round pins, so most modern sockets accept both type C and type H plugs. Type M sockets are used for air conditioners. Identical plugs and sockets also used in thePalestinian National Authorityareas. |
Itália | C, F, L | 230 V (formerly 220 V)[17] | 50 Hz | The common socket has 8-shaped holes to accept both 16A and 10A version of L plug, but in hotels are still common 10A sockets, schuko socket are very unusual (but is easy to find an adaptor rated up to 1500 Watt). C sockets are not used in modern installations. Italian wall-boxes are almost identical to American ones, but are usually horizontal mounted. |
Jamaica | A, B | 110 V and 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Japão | A, B | 100 V | 50 Hz
60 Hz | East Japan 50 Hz (Tokyo,Kawasaki, Sapporo, Yokohama, and Sendai); West Japan 60 Hz (Okinawa, Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe,Nagoya, Hiroshima). Older buildings have nonpolarized sockets, in which case American polarized plugs (one prong wider than the other) would not fit. Many buildings do not have the ground pin. Sockets and switches fit in American-sized standard boxes. |
Jordânia | B, C, D, F, G, J | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Kuwait | C, G | 240 V | 50 Hz | |
Laos | A, B, C, E, F | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Lesoto | M | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Letónia | C, F | 230 V | 50 Hz | Harmonized to the EU standard of 400/230V[18] |
Líbano | A, C, | 200 V | 50 Hz | Just about all plugs use type C. Before 1999 the voltage used to be 100 instead of 200. |
Libéria | A, B, C, E, F | 120 V
240 V | 50 Hz | Previously 60 Hz, now officially 50 Hz. Many private power plants are still 60 Hz. A & B are used for 110 V; C & F are used for 230/240 V. Much of the centralized power system was destroyed during the civil wars starting in 1990, and public power supplies are still limited. Local supplies may vary and may not match the usual voltage for a particular wall socket.[19] |
Líbia | D, L | 127 V | 50 Hz | Barca, Benghazi, Derna, Sabha& Tobruk 230 V. |
Liechtenstein | C, J | 230 V | 50 Hz | Swiss Norm, C only in the form CEE 7/16. |
Lituânia | C, F | 220 V | 50 Hz | Villa Monarchy uses 127 V 50 Hz and type GOST sockets with 4.0 mm pins similar to West European C type plugs |
Luxemburgo | C, F | 230 V (formerly 220 V) | 50 Hz | |
Macau | D, M, G, a small number of F | 220 V | 50 Hz | No official standards there. However, in the Macao-HK Ferry Pier built by PortugueseGovernment before handover the standard was E & F. Afterhandover, Macau adopted G in both government and private buildings. Before 1980s, 110 V was found in Macau but now obsolete. |
Macedônia | C, F | 230 V | 50 Hz | Harmonized to EU standard 400/230V[20] |
Madagáscar | C, D, E, J, K | 127 V
220 V | 50 Hz | |
Região Autónoma da Madeira | C, F | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Malásia | C, G (but M for air conditioners and clothes dryers) | 240 V (although officially ratified as 230 V) | 50 Hz | The official mains power voltage is AC 230 V with the tolerance of +10%,-6%.[21] However, the supplied voltage remains at 240 V, as the supplied voltage is within the allowed tolerance. Areas that rely on private power companies, like some parts ofPenang and Kedah, receive a true 230 V supply. Remote villages which rely on off-grid localized diesel generators (i.e. small villages and/or isolated holiday resorts on islands too far away from the mainland to have viable underwater cabling) may receive unstable power with higher voltages, with some areas recorded to be as high as 260 V. Type C plugs are very common with audio/video equipment. Plugged into Type G outlets using widely available adapters or forced in by pushing down the shutter. The latter is widely practised, although hazardous. Since the late 90s, dedicated Type C sockets can also be found on some power strips sold in the country for convenience given the wide proliferation of devices with Type C plugs. Type C sockets can also be found on dedicated shaver sockets in bathrooms of many hotels. Type M sockets are normally used for air conditioning (especially if the air conditioner requires a magnetic starter), heavy industrial equipment, spotlights, and less commonly, washers and clothes driers. This is because most modern washers sold in the country are also fitted with Type G plugs and are two-in-one compact units which uses the same tub for washing and drying. |
Malawi | G | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Maldivas | A, D, G, J, K, L | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Mali | C, E | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Malta | G | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Marrocos | C, E | 127 V
220 V | 50 Hz | Conversion to 220 V only underway. |
Martinica | C, D, E | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Mauritânia | C | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Maurícia | C, G | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
México | A, B | 127 V | 60 Hz | Type B is becoming more common. Voltage can legally vary by +/- 10% (giving a range of 114 to 140 volts). Split phaseis commonly available and local electricians are apt to wire both to a type A/B socket to give 240 V for air conditioning or washing machine/dryers. |
Micronésia | A, B | 120 V | 60 Hz | |
Moçambique | C, F, M | 220 V | 50 Hz | Type M found especially near the border with South Africa, including in the capital, Maputo. |
Moldávia | C, F | 220 V | 50 Hz | Compatible with European and former Soviet Union (GOST) standards. |
Mónaco | C, D, E, F | 230 V | 50 Hz | Supplied from France |
Mongólia | C, E | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Montenegro | C, F | 230 V | 50 Hz | Voltage has been harmonized to the EU standard of 400/230V[22] |
Montserrat | A, B | 230 V | 60 Hz | |
Myanmar | C, D, F, G | 230 V | 50 Hz | Tipo G encontrado primariamente nos melhores hoteis. Também muitos hotéis aceitam o tipo I. |
Namíbia | D, M | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Nauru | I | 240 V | 50 Hz | |
Nepal | C, D, M | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Nicarágua | A, B | 120 V | 60 Hz | |
Níger | A, B, C, D, E, F | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Nigéria | D, G | 240 V | 50 Hz | |
Noruega | C, F | 230 V | 50 Hz |
IT earthing system (most widespread)
TN earthing system (new installations)
TT earthing system (used in some installations in Bergen)
Sockets lacking earth are prohibited in new installations.
Nova Caledônia | E | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Nova Zelândia | I | 230 V | 50 Hz | Electricity (Safety) Regulations 2010 state supply voltage is 230 V ±6% |
Okinawa | A, B | 100 V | 60 Hz | Military facilities 120 V. |
Omã | C, G | 240 V | 50 Hz | Voltage variations common. |
Países Baixos | C, F | 230 V (formerly 220 V) | 50 Hz | |
Panamá | A, B | 110 V | 60 Hz | Panama City 120 V. |
Papua-Nova Guiné | I | 240 V | 50 Hz | |
Paquistão | C, D, G, M | 230 V | 50 Hz | Official standard is 230 V / 50 Hz. Voltage tolerance is 230 V ±5% (218 V to 242 V). Frequency tolerance 50 Hz ±2% (49 Hz to 51 Hz) But Karachi Electric Supply Corporation (KESC) is 240 V / 50 Hz.
Type C and D Plug / Socket are common for low-power devices. Type M Plug / Socket is common for air conditioners and high-power devices. Type G Plug / Socket is less common. |
Paraguai | C | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Peru | A, B, C | 220 V | 60 Hz | Talara 110/220 V; some areas 50 Hz[23] |
Polônia | C, E | 230 V (formerly 220 V) | 50 Hz | Type C Plugs are common, especially for low-power devices. Type C ungrounded sockets could be seen in old houses and in countryside. |
Portugal | C, F | 230 V (formerly 220 V) | 50 Hz | Harmonized with EU standard 400/230V[24] |
Porto Rico | A, B | 120 V | 60 Hz | |
Qatar | D, G | 240 V | 50 Hz | |
Quênia | G | 240 V | 50 Hz | |
Quiribati | I | 240 V | 50 Hz | |
Quirguistão | C | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Reino Unido | G (D and M seen in very old installs and specialist applications) | 230 V (formerly 240 V in mainland Britain and 220 V in Northern Ireland) | 50 Hz | Voltage tolerance of 230 V +10%/−6% (216.2 V to 253 V), widened to 230 V ±10% (207 V to 253 V) in 2008. The system supply voltage remains centred on 240 V.[25] A "shaver socket" (similar to Type C) is sometimes found in bathrooms that will provide low current to some other plug types. These sometimes have a ~110 V socket and a ~240 V socket in the same unit, or a switch to select voltage for a single socket. The G type socket usually has an on-off switch.IEC 60309 plugs and connectors are used in industrial and construction locations as well as for outdoor use in domestic and other business premises. Plug types D and M were used until the 1960s and are still in preferred use for theatre and TV stage lighting applications due to lack of internal fuse. |
República Checa | C, E | 230 V | 50 Hz | Type E sockets are standard, earthed appliances ship with an E+F plug. Type C Plugs are common, especially for low-power devices. Type C wall sockets (actually E without the grounded pin and with narrower holes) are very uncommon, and exist only in very old installations. |
República Centro-Africana | C, E | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
República Democrática do Congo | C, D | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
República Dominicana | A, B | 110 V | 60 Hz | |
Reunião | E | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Romênia | C, F | 230 V (formerly 220 V) | 50 Hz | Most household sockets still compatible with East European standards (4.0 mm pins). |
Ruanda | C, J | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Rússia | C, F | 220 V | 50 Hz | USSR (along with much of Eastern Europe) used type GOST sockets with 4.0 mm pins similar to West European C type plugs and the 4.8mm standard used by West European type E/F Plugs.[26]The former Soviet sockets could be seen mainly in old houses and in countryside. Obsolete standard 127 V/50 Hz AC is used in some remote villages. Elsewhere it was replaced in 1970s by the 220 V standard. |
Samoa | I | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Samoa Americana | A, B, F, I | 120 V | 60 Hz | |
St. Martin | C, F | 120 V and 230 V | 60 Hz | Dutch Sint Maarten 120 V, 60 Hz; French Saint-Martin 220 V, 60 Hz; |
São Cristóvão e Nevis | A, B, D, G | 110 V
230 V | 60 Hz | Region plug is same as United States (2 pin) 110-120 V |
Santa Lúcia | G | 240 V | 50 Hz | |
São Pedro e Miquelon | E | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
São Vicente e Granadinas | A, C, E, G, I, K | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
São Tomé e Príncipe | C, F | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Senegal | C, D, E, K | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Sérvia | C, F | 230 V (formerly 220 V)[27] | 50 Hz | |
Serra Leoa | D, G | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Seychelles | G | 240 V | 50 Hz | |
Singapura | C, G, M(high-power) | 230 V | 50 Hz | Type C is used for audio/video equipment and plug adapters are widely available. Type M sockets may be found occasionally for high-power applications. |
Síria | C, E, L | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Somália | C | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Sri Lanka | D, M, G | 230 V | 50 Hz | Increased use of type G in new houses/establishments. Mainly in Colombo and high end hotels. |
Suazilândia | M | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Sudão | C, D | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Sudão do Sul | C, D | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Suécia | C, F | 230 V (formerly 220 V) | 50 Hz | Non-grounded sockets are prohibited in new installations. 400 V for some washing machines and other fixed installations. In bathroom etc. 110-115 socket can be found and used for shavers and other "bathroom tools" |
Suíça | C, J | 230 V | 50 Hz | C only in the form CEE 7/16. In some very old installations, type E sockets or sockets that are compatible with type J and type E plugs are found. |
Suriname | C, F | 127 V | 60 Hz | |
Tahiti | A, B, E | 110 V
220 V | 60 Hz/50 Hz | Marquesas Islands 50 Hz[28] |
Taiwan | A, B | 110 V | 60 Hz | All outlets are Type A or Type B. When an outlet is Type B, the ground (earth) holes of the outlets are usually not connected to anything. Most appliances have Type A plugs, but computers and high-power appliances have Type B plugs. The ground prongs on Type B plugs are often cut off to make the plugs fit into Type A sockets. Sockets and switches are built to USA dimensions and fit USA sized wall boxes. Different outlets (which can not accept Type A or Type B plugs) provide 220 V for air conditioners. |
Tailândia | A, B, C | 220 V | 50 Hz | Although Thailand uses 220 V, type A- and type B-compatible plugs and sockets were originally adopted in Thai Industrial Standards (TIS) 166-2519 and 166-2535 in 1976 and 1992. However, type C plugs are also widely used, and a hybrid socket is almost universally found. Usually the socket is a combination of types B and C, although ungrounded type A/C hybrids are still commonly found in rural areas and older installations. Appliances with type F Schuko plugs are also common, although corresponding grounded outlets are not usually found. In 2004, TIS 166-2547 (and later, its subsequent version 166-2549) was adopted, stipulating a type C-compatible standard plug based on IEC 60906-1 but with the position of the ground pin following that of NEMA 5-15 (type B). the hybrid socket is accepted as standard, with plans to phase out support for type A and type B flat pins in the future.[29][30] Receptacles and switches for in-wall use are built to USA dimensions and fit USA standard type wall boxes. |
Tajiquistão | C, I | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Tanzânia | D, G | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Timor-Leste | C, E, F, I | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Togo | C | 220 V | 50 Hz | Lomé 127 V. |
Tonga | I | 240 V | 50 Hz | |
Trinidad e Tobago | A, B | 115 V | 60 Hz | |
Tunísia | C, E | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Turcomenistão | B, F | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Turquia | C, F | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Ucrânia | C, F | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Uganda | G | 240 V | 50 Hz | |
Uruguai | C, F, L (I only in very old installs) | 230 V (formerly 220 V) | 50 Hz | Type L is the most common in modern homes and type F is the second as a result of computer use. Neutral and live wires are reversed, as in Argentina. |
Uzbequistão | C, I | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
Vanuatu | I | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Venezuela | A, B | 120 V | 60 Hz | Type G found in household 240 V/208 V service only for air conditioning and some high power appliances. |
Vietnã | A, C, G | 220 V | 50 Hz | Type A is the norm in Southern Vietnam and Type C is the norm in Northern Vietnam (according to the pre-unification border at17 degrees North). Type G is found only in some new luxury hotels, primarily those built by Singaporean and Hong Kong developers. But Type G is never found in homes, shops, or offices. |
Zâmbia | C, D, G | 230 V | 50 Hz | |
Zimbábue | D, G | 220 V | 50 Hz | |
A (NEMA 1-15 EUA 2 pinos)
B (NEMA 5-15 EUA 3 pinos)
C (CEE 7/17 Euro 2 pinos)
D (Versão BS546 de 5 A do Tipo M. Uma versão menor de 2 A também está disponível.)
I (AS-3112 Argentina, Austrália e Nova Zelândia)
I, mais tomadas para A, C e I (China)
K (SRAF 1962/DB Dinamarca)
L (CEI 23-16 Albânia, Ilhas Canárias, Chile, Etiópia, Itália, Líbia, Maldivas e Síria )
M (Uma versão de 15 do Tipo D BS546)